Hugmar software
The Hugmar software is browser based IBM i Integrated Language Environment (ILE) application development toolset that allows re-engineering of business processes and the creation of state of the art applications that interact and co-exist with remaining legacy applications logically.

Throstur Gudmundsson, the owner and creator of Hugmar is an expert in software development and ERP implementation. He will teach and train any technical personnel but also the end user on the software. He will provide guidance and consultancy for your company throughout the whole process.

Customized solution
We understand that each business has a unique sets of problems they want to solve or goals they want to achieve. With our softaware along with the knowlegde and experience we can find a solution for you. Whether it´s upgrading, develope, implementing a new ERP system, reduce IT cost or increase efficiency, we can help.
Words from the founder
I have been keenly interested in development methodologies since I started working with computer software in the mid 70´s. Experiences have taken me through Computer Science at Chico State CA, Developing Government software on multiple platform in the 80´s and leading ERP startup to 50% share in the Icelandic market in the 90´s.
Limitations in the 5250 user interface led me to integration of the IBM i with other emerging platforms, such as Windows .NET and Open Source technologies. I helped implement many successful projects in that space. The merging of the iSeries with AIX onto the POWER-platform was very positive move. By opening the POWER Architecture through the Open POWER Foundation, IBM has created a very different ballgame for all of us, that I am very excited to be a part of.
Words from our customers
“ Throstur was the lead developer of our IBM based Manufacturing and Distribution System. After successfully completing the implementation of the project, he formed an in–house IT–Team to support, maintain and enhance the project. He is currently serving us in the role of Technical Consultant to our IT–Team. ”
Anita Barker, Managing Director, Coldwater Seafood United Kingdom.
” Throstur is an extremely innovative and skilled software engineer and our co–operation, which lasted 7 years, was technically quite successful and we know that his system has been implemented commercially with excellent results. ”
Prof. Snorri Agnarsson, University of Iceland, Faculty of Engineering and Science.
Sigurdur Bjornsson, Head of Innovation and Development, the Icelandic Centre for Research.
” I was impressed how quickly functional Hugmar ILE and Web based programs were created, And how completely they intergrated into our existing legacy ERP system. We implemented modules for our Accounts Receivables and connectivity to our website www.ss.is , and our users love the smooth “Windows like” user interface.”
Sigurjón Stefánsson IT manager.